Graduate & Professional Programs

Graduate & Professional Programs


These programs span a wide range of areas, 但它们都有一个共同的优势:它们强调实际应用和解决问题的策略. 它们提供的正是你感兴趣的领域所需要的技能和证书. 他们关注你——你的兴趣、需求和职业目标.


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Zimpleman College of Business Graduate Programs

Choose the Master of Accounting (MAcc)(offered in Des Moines). 你可以全日制学习,也可以在两年的时间里通过夜间和周末学习完成整个学位. Our new Online Master of Science in Busness Analytics along with Online MBA and Online MPA 为专业人士提供更大的灵活性. 非信用的专业商业编程, 是由政府和非营利组织提供的 Center for Professional Studies

School of Education Graduate Programs

Programs in the School of Education 是为了满足教师职业发展的需要而设计的吗, 希望扩大领导地位的商务人士, 希望成为咨询专业人士的个人, 或者专业人士寻求过渡到教育领域. 探索教育领导(K-12)领域的十多个硕士和博士学位选择, Organizational Leadership, Talent Development, Counseling, or Teaching and Learning. Our new online Master of Science in Education 该项目甚至将威尼斯人网上娱乐教育与在线学习的便利相结合.

School of Journalism & Mass Communication Graduate Programs

鉴于我们校园沟通领导力硕士项目的成功, 哪些校友在毕业后薪水增长超过50%, we are excited to announce our new 100% online Master of Arts in Communication 学位课程,将这一宝贵的学习带给全球的学生. 四个专业课程可以帮助学生实现他们的职业目标, Communication Leadership, Health & Science Communication, and Public Affairs & Advocacy.

Law School

For over 150 years, Drake Law School has helped launch successful careers, 提供法律教育,强调以坚实的法律理论为基础的体验式学习. 作为首都得梅因唯一的法学院, 我们的学生获得了无与伦比的实习机会, clerkships and first-rate clinical programs. 威尼斯人网上娱乐法学院的毕业生通过律师资格考试,以高于全国平均水平的速度获得就业机会,并利用从实践学习中获得的经验,从第一天起就将法律付诸行动. 我们庞大的校友网络在所有50个州和全球范围内使用他们的法律学位-法律职业的各个方面.

The 合规与风险管理法学硕士, 由威尼斯人网上娱乐法学院和zimplan商学院提供, 应对员工日益增长的需求,以确保他们的公司符合政府法规和坚持道德标准.

College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

医疗保健领域是一个快速发展和发展的行业,有足够的机会实现有意义的创新, and long-lasting careers. At Drake, 你会发现博士和硕士课程旨在为你在三个不同的医疗保健领域的多功能职业做好准备.

As a student in Drake's four-year Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program, 你将获得在药学领域取得成功所需的知识和经验, including community pharmacy practice, institutional pharmacy practice, postgraduate education, and many other opportunities. In pharmacy at Drake, 你可以从广泛的课程选择中选择,让你在指导你的职业生涯中有很大的自由度.

Drake’s three-year, year-round Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) 项目是你通往有意义的职业生涯的道路,专注于通过整体医疗保健改善他人的生活. As a Drake graduate, 你将会因为你致力于提升你的实践而得到认可, supporting your community, and advocating for your patients and profession.

In the two-year Master of Science in Athletic Training (MSAT) 你将获得在AT获得成功职业生涯所需的知识和经验, including individual and team athletics, clinical practice, hospital-based practice, school-based practice, occupational health, and many other opportunities.

The online 健康信息与分析理学硕士 能否开启使用生物医学数据的职业生涯, information, 通过帮助医疗服务提供者更有效地评估和治疗病人,改善医疗保健的知识正在改变一个供不应求的行业.

The online 临床精神药理学理学硕士 为有执照的心理学家提供在爱荷华州和其他州开药所需的专门培训.